Sunday, March 10, 2013

8 Sentences for WeWriWa -- Children's!!

I decided to shake things up a bit this week and take a break from Historical Romance. Today, I've decided to introduce you to my debut picture book, CHUNKY SUGARS, published by 5 Prince Kids January of this year and penned for my fourth and chunkiest baby, Lil' Bit! Designed to be read with mommies and babies! Click here to order one for you chunky little baby today!

Mama loves her chunky baby. She loves to get chunky sugars!
Mama loves to get one chunky sugar on a sweet little nose.
Mama loves to get two chunky sugars on pudgy little cheeks.
Mama loves to get three chunky sugars on a fluffy little head!
Mama loves to get four chunky sugars on two baby hands.
Mama loves to get five chunky sugars on each little piggy.
Wait, baby gives Mama chunky sugars on her nose ...
Order yours to find out the twist!!

Still needing a historical romance fix? Click on any of my book covers below to order!


  1. Super cute 8 sentences! Love the idea of 'chunky sugars'
    My 8 sentences

    1. Thanks, Summer! My fourth baby was super chunky - and still is! Before Chunky Sugars was a book, it was a silly little thing we did to make him giggle! Now, my chunky little baby is about to turn 2!!! :-( Guess now he's my chunky toddler LOL

  2. Oh, how sweet. Brought a smile to the face of this mother of two formerly chunky girls (we called them squatty bodies.) :-)

    ~Joyce Scarbrough

    1. Joyce, I love that! Squatty bodies is simply adorable :-D Thanks for your sweet comment :-)

  3. Nice change of pace, made me smile! I read lots of books to my girls when they were little - they would have enjoyed this one! Terrific snippet...

    1. Hey Veronica, thank you for stopping by :-) I appreciate your comment and love that your girls would have loved Chunky Sugars! It passed my four-child attention sustainability test -- which is a toughie!! Happy Sunday!

  4. So adorable!!! Loved your 8! :D

    1. Thank you, Karen!! Loved yours today, too!!

  5. Are chunky sugars sugar lumps? Nice introduction to counting words, especially if the illustrations reinforce them.

    1. Haha, interesting!! No, not sugar lumps, but sugars (kisses) from a chunky baby!! The illustrations are top notch thanks to Joshua Stolte!!

    2. I love this book. And the illustrations are bright and beautiful!

  6. Great 8! Too bad my little ones are now big girls (16 and 18). I guess I'll have to wait for the grandkids to get chunky sugars. :)

    1. Jenna, thank you!! As the parent of teens, if you're around Oklahoma, you may be interested in my nonfiction YA reader The ABC's of Oklahoma Plants! It's an amazon bestseller right now!

  7. Very sweet and unique phrase; "Chunky Sugars". :-) I can picture this cute little baby.

    1. Thank you, Debbie!! I tried to comment on yours several times this morning and it kept kicking my comment back .. not sure why ... but I LOVED YOUR 8!!

  8. That was a cute change o pace! Wishing you great success with the book.

    1. Thank you fellow historian!! Loved your eight!!

  9. LOL! I wish I had that phrase a few years ago. Brings back memories :)

  10. Here is a sweet comment from my awesome hubby!!

    This books are wonderful. For someone who has never gotten into a book or had any interest in books, these books keep my attention. Always keep you on your toes and wondering whays going to happen. Outstanding writing from an outstanding autor. The children books are also wonderful and short and to the point to keep the interest of the children.
    Love you


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