Saturday, May 9, 2015

WeWriWa - May 10, 2015- Missi Wanderin' in the Woods

Welcome back to this week's eight sentence snippet from my forthcoming memoir, MISSI WANDERIN' IN THE WOODS. Before we "jump right into it" as I like to say, I want to say thank you to each of you readers. Thank you for stopping by each week to share in this story with me. Writing it and reliving it has been painful (but healing) and sharing it has been even more so. Thank you for your time, your comments, your attention, and most of all, just for stopping by. Now, let's get down to it :-) 
“Yes sir Sergeant,” the pair of Military Police mumbled in unison.
“I said,” Charlie roared, “is that clear!?”
The  duo snapped to attention, just as they had no doubt done in Basic Training and replied with a well rehearsed and very military, “Yes SIR!”
Finally, Charlie lowered his voice to a guttural growl: “Don’t sir me, goddam it; just get out of here.”

As quick as the MP’s were retreating, Charlie spun and began a near sprint in the opposite direction. I stretched my legs to keep up with his quick strides. Despite being in relatively good shape from my recent job of loading luggage for American Airlines, I was puffing after just a couple of minutes, holding my swollen belly to keep Lil’ Grub from jiggling too much. 

Explore other talented WEWRIWA participants by going here
Check out my forthcoming Amish novel excerpt, Old Amarillo, here!
Need an editor for your manuscript or work in progress?  Email me at to discuss your editorial needs! WeWriWa participants: ask me about your awesome writer's discount <3


  1. So many questions from just that little snippet! Well done!

    1. Thank you, Zoe! I'm glad you stopped by to spend part of your Sunday with me!

  2. The tension and the urgency comes through very clearly with your descriptions. Excellent excerpt. I want life to be happy for these two!!! But I'm sure they have a lot more to work though, yes?

  3. You paint quite a picture for this reader, Sara. I love it and there's a big touch of humor here.


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