Awesome Authors

Welcome Awesome Author Keri Neal!
Today, we are celebrating her new release, FLIGHTLESS!
Pen was a Guardian, but one violent night took his wings. Ten years
later he is given the opportunity to earn them back.
Jade is spellbound by the new student. Pen is quiet, but she is
determined to learn more about him. When her terrifying past comes
back to haunt her, Pen reveals there is much more to him than she
could have ever imagined.
With his soul on the line, Pen cannot protect Jade if his feelings keep
getting in the way. But with Jade’s soul on the line, he must protect her
from unearthly forces who want her blood. Will the truth redeem them,
or tear them apart?
Get yours in print here or in kindle format here!
Who is Keri Neal?
Keri Neal designs book covers. Flightless is her fourth published book.
She lives near Austin, Texas with her husband, two children, two
hamsters and a snake. She crochets, sews, reads, paints and loves all
things artsy & craftsy.

Welcome Awesome Author Dana Fraedrich!


Join us in celebrating the release of her debut novel, Skateboards, Magic, and Shamrocks!
Check out an excerpt!
Taryn opened her eyes slowly.
Ugh. What a weird dream, she thought. Whatever I ate, I’m never going near it again.
“Hello there,” a deep voice said cordially.
“Agh!” Taryn cried, bolting upright.
BANG! Whatever she had been laying on was not a very stable surface. The moment Taryn sat up, her support moved out from underneath her, and she dropped to the floor several feet beneath her. She landed hard on her elbows and knees, which reverberated up to her shoulders, wrists, hips, and ankles. She swore and groaned painfully.
“Are you alright?” the voice asked.
She looked in the direction of the voice and cried out again. There, standing not five feet from her, was a creature she had only heard about in stories and myths.
The creature before her was a man from the waist up with short, dark, thick hair and a stubby, cropped beard. His tanned chest was bare, and from the waist down, was the body of a large, black horse.
“Don’t come near me!” she commanded, backing herself up against a wall.
Taryn looked around for a minute and took in her surroundings. As far as she could tell, she was inside a little house of some sort. She looked up to see that she had just fallen out of a hammock that was hanging from the ceiling. She then looked beyond her captor to see that the only way out was beyond him.
“Who are you?” she demanded, the fear evident in her voice. “Why am I here? Where is here?”
“Calm yourself,” the centaur replied. “My name is De’dua. You are safe here in my home, as is your friend.”
“My friend?” Taryn asked in confusion.
“Taryn! You’re up!” came an enthusiastic voice from above.
The frightened teenager looked up to see Ozzie trotting down a flight of stairs. He looked thrilled.
“Oh no, not you,” she groaned.
“Well, it’s nice to see you too,” he quipped, walking over to Taryn. Giving her a hand up he asked, “Have you seen this place? It’s amazing!”
Taryn grabbed Ozzie by the arm and dragged him as far away from De’dua as she could.
“Ozzie,” she snapped, “I don’t know if you noticed or not, but we are not in Kansas anymore. I don’t think we’re on Earth anymore.”
“No. It’s okay. I’ve read about this,” Ozzie replied excitedly. “We must have fallen into a rip in the space-time continuum and gotten dropped here into an alternate universe.”
“That’s fiction, you idiot!” Taryn hissed. “Science fiction. Stuff like that doesn’t happen in real life. We are obviously still dreaming or hallucinating or something.”
“He seems real enough to me,” Ozzie said, pointing back at De’dua, who was watching the two calmly. “Come on, we’re being rude.”
And with that, Ozzie walked back over to the demi-human, leaving Taryn standing there with her mouth gaping open in shock.
Get yours here!

Welcome, welcome Awesome Author Veronica Scott!


VERONICA SCOTT grew up in a house with a library full of books as its heart, and when she ran out of things to read, she started writing her own stories. Married young to her high school sweetheart then widowed, Veronica has two grown daughters, one young grandson and cats.

Today we are celebrating her award-winning novel, Wreck of the Nebula Dream.
2013 SFR Galaxy Award Winner...

A reimagining of the Titanic disaster set in the far future among the stars...

Traveling unexpectedly aboard the luxury liner Nebula Dream on its maiden voyage across the galaxy, Sectors Special Forces Captain Nick Jameson is ready for ten relaxing days, and hoping to forget his last disastrous mission behind enemy lines. He figures he'll gamble at the casino, take in the shows, maybe even have a shipboard fling with Mara Lyrae, the beautiful but reserved businesswoman he meets.

All his plans vaporize when the ship suffers a wreck of Titanic proportions. Captain and crew abandon ship, leaving the 8000 passengers stranded without enough lifeboats and drifting unarmed in enemy territory. Aided by Mara, Nick must find a way off the doomed ship for himself and several other innocent people before deadly enemy forces reach them or the ship's malfunctioning engines finish ticking down to self destruction.

But can Nick conquer the demons from his past that tell him he'll fail these innocent people just as he failed to save his Special Forces team? Will he outpace his own doubts to win this vital race against time?




Back pressed against the half open door, he stood for a moment, assessing the current situation in the corridor. It now added up to pandemonium in any language. The alarms were continuing to blare, inciting some passengers to panic and immobilizing others. A prerecorded voice urged calm, in flat, female tones, speaking in a rapid rotation of Basic and the five other primary Sector languages.

No one was paying the slightest attention. People ran in both directions, shoving past each other. Some were half dressed, others were burdened with luggage. There were no crew members at all.

Frowning, he waded into the crowds, going to the left and staying as close to the wall as he could. Since a Special Forces team's survival depended on familiarity with all aspects of their environment, Nick had noted the location of the nearest lifeboat portal relative to his cabin upon arrival the first day. Now he worked his way aft to get there.

With supreme- if sadly misplaced- confidence, the captain of the Nebula Dream had not seen fit to order a lifeboat drill in the first few days of the cruise, not even after the middle of the night engine anomaly. Lack of a drill, which was mandatory per the Interstellar Commerce Commission regulations, was adding to the panic, Nick had no doubt. Most had probably not even paid attention to the short holo on safety the Ship played on first entry in each cabin. Now the civilians were clueless, desperate, and those charged with responsibility for their safety were nowhere to be seen.

As he came up to the lifeboat portal, Nick was astounded to see the light flashing red, indicating the LB had been launched.  What the fuck? There couldn't possibly have been time since the sirens came on to fully load and deploy a boat, even assuming a full complement of SMT crew had been standing by, waiting to usher passengers on board.

Continuing down the corridor, Nick wondered who took the LB, and how many people had managed to escape with them. He suspected he wouldn't like the answers much, but he intended to find out, after this was all over. For an event of this magnitude, an ICC investigatory hearing was a foregone con­clusion.

The crowd increased in size and the screams and yells became more specific, the closer he got to the next LB davit. Since Nick was a tall man, he could see over the heads of most of the crowd. Despite the fact the alarms had been raging for a good five minutes standard now, he could see the indicator light was green; this LB had not even been unlocked.

"No one's boarded yet?" he said, half to himself.

"Two idiots up there, fighting over who gets on first, and neither one has a clue how to open the damn thing." A stout woman in a garish pink and orange robe spun to face him, her voice disgusted but shaking, tears glistening in her eyes. "They wouldn't listen, not to me or anyone. I watched the safety holo my first day on board, so I know how to open the portal, but would they let me try? No, they would not. I got out of the way when they started throwing punches."

Nick wished for a squad of Space Marines or even one other Special Forces operator.  I could sort this out and get people loading. There was no time to waste. Disasters in space tended to be abrupt, over with in a violent moment. Whatever had happened to the Nebula Dream, it was nothing short of amazing they weren't all dead already. Can’t push luck too far. He caught the eye of the D'nvannae Brother, standing a few feet away, an appalled frown on his face, probably over the loss of critical time.

Nick jerked his head in the direction of the LB portal. "Watch my back," he yelled, wading into the crowd without waiting to see if the man would come to his aid or not. This had to be done, with or without support.

Nick tried not to hurt people, but he forced his way through the throng with ruthless intent, stopping short about a yard shy of the door. Exactly as the woman had told him, two men were on the deck, kicking and clawing at each other, fighting over access to the locked LB. No one else could get by.

Reaching down, Nick grabbed one man by the scruff of the neck, hauling him to his feet. He was mildly pleased to find the D'nvannae Brother was right beside him, dragging the second belliger­ent combatant to the other side of the LB access portal.

Nick sensed the crowd preparing to surge forward in blind panic, now the human obstacles were removed. He wheeled, shoving the man he had grabbed roughly away, knocking down two or three other passengers in the process. People stepped on or over them in an instinctive rush to get closer to the presumed safety of the lifeboat.

 "Nobody moves until I say so!" Holding up one hand, he used the tone of voice he would employ on a batch of unruly, raw recruits, awesomely commanding.

"Quiet down now," he said, watching the people in the front row of the mob, getting eye contact, to personalize his commands, make them feel like responsible individuals, not a mindless, panicking herd.

The blaring sirens and recorded emergency warnings cut out, resumed briefly and then died away in a slowly fading gibber­ish. The lights in the corridor flickered, causing gasps here and there in the crowd.

"Are there any SMT officers or crew here?" Nick said.

Desperation, fear, and puzzlement on the faces in front of him. Many sidelong glances, mute head shakes.


"All right, then. I'm Captain Jameson, Sectors Special Forces. I'm taking charge of this LB portal. I need four volunteers besides this man," nodding at the D'nvannae, "to help me keep order here. You can't all get into this LB. No one's going to make it off unless you keep your heads and we go about this calmly and quickly.” He pointed at some likely candidates. “You, you, you and you."

He’d picked out a quartet of fairly good-sized men, who seemed calmer than some of the others ringing him. Pointing at the Broth­er, he said, "What's your name?"


"Fine, Khevan, you and these four gentlemen form a ring. No one gets by until I say so. Watch my back while I open this damn portal."

Nodding, the D’nvannae and the four men linked arms and established a peri­meter. Nick gave his attention to the locked access. Damn, there should have been at least one SMT crew person at each LB by now, with the unlock code, getting the civilians safely off the ship as fast as possible. Nick spared a second and a small part of his mind to swear at the inefficiencies and lax disci­pline of this ship's captain. Lucky for all these nice people I know how to open the thing.

Nick scanned the portal info display as he keyed in a code on the access panel. "Capacity 100 sentients," the label declared in Basic and the other five languages. Okay, Jameson, quick, calculate what the limit really means, what the margin of design safety probably was. How many extra oxygen-breathers can I shove onto the thing without killing them all?

As the door cycled open, Nick assessed the waiting throng. The crowd, even larger now, probably in excess of two hundred men, women and children, pressed forward. They were pushing his ring of volun­teers closer to him before the men dug in and shoved resolutely back.

"This LB can only support 125," Nick announced to the assembled passengers, pitching his voice to carry to the edge of the crowd. "I’m not allowing one more person to board beyond the limit. I'm taking children and their caretakers first, followed by as many other adults as possible. Anyone with children, come forward now. We've got no time to lose. No luggage! No pets!" Nick pointed to the stout woman, who had followed in his wake through the crowd. "You, what's your name?"

She stepped forward. "Maud Panula."

"All right, Maud, come stand right here next to me and keep count. Shout it out for me every ten heads, then every five as we get closer to capacity."

"Who appointed you Lord of Space?" shouted a red faced man in the middle of the crowd, as the first nervous children and their relatives came forward, passing through Nick's cordon. The

complainer found a few kindred sentients who appeared to agree with him. An undercurrent of ominous murmuring increased in volume.

 "There's only a few of them–”

             “No weapons- let's rush them!"

"The officer and I can kill with our bare hands," Khevan said softly from his place in the center of the cordon guarding the LB access, his voice carrying as easily as Nick's had. "You won’t gain entry to this LB by challenging his order, I guarantee you."

Nick listened to the count rapidly climbing, as more and more children and adults streamed past him. Where the hell had they all come from? "We're at eighty already," he announced to the crowd, "If you don't like your chances here, better go find the next LB."

"Where?" screamed several despairing voices.

Nick cursed the SMT Line again for their lack of prepara­tion. "There are LB portals every few hundred yards, going both directions, all three passenger decks and on the Casino Deck."

Khevan broke link with his fellows, to keep a burly man from getting past them without permission. There was a rapid flurry of blows and the other passenger sank to the carpeted deck, uncon­scious or dead. Khevan meant what he’d said, and was obviously prepared to act on the threat. A large portion of the crowd melted away, running frantically in both directions, in search of another LB where the odds might be better, where no one was in charge. Nick felt sorry for them.

"You get inside when the tally reaches 110," he said to his human counter. And once I’ve sent them on their way to safety, I can go see about Mara, whether she’s ok, did she get off the ship. He had her cabin number, obtained from the AI the first day, but he was hoping she’d already taken a lifeboat. Even then, I can’t leave until I know every civilian’s been taken care of.

Buy the Book:
Available from  Smashwords  
Amazon for the kindle and Barnes & Noble for the Nook

UPCOMING PROJECTS: Veronica also writes Paranormal Romance and the next book in her “Tales of the Egyptian Gods” series will be out from Carina Press in September ’13. Currently she’s working on a  new Science Fiction Romance set in the same world as her award winning WRECK OF THE NEBULA DREAM. You can find Veronica here:

A Big Ole Texas Howdy to Awesome Author Charlotte Kent!


Juliette Hill is the pseudonym for a creative writer who is passionate about all things vintage, traveling with her husband and exploring family history. She enjoys treasure hunting at local antique markets and estate sales, searching for her next great ‘find’ that will spark her imagination. Her desire to discover the story behind each treasure motivates the writer within. Juliette’s other interests include planning family gatherings, scrapbooking, cooking, shopping and dining out, to name a few. Her stories involve multi-dimensional characters and generational plots which bridge the gap between the past and present. She is currently working on several projects for Annie Acorn Publishing.
Charlotte Kent is the pseudonym used by Annie Acorn and Juliette Hill when writing their collaborative romantic women's fiction series Captain's Point Stories.

Annie Acorn is the pseudonym of a prolific, internationally published author, whose readership recognizes her mainly for her women’s fiction, cozy mysteries and richly woven stories with a warm southern flair. She is a founding member of From Women’s Pens – A Cooperative of Women Writers. Annie is the mother of two sons, one of whom is married to the best daughter-in-law in the world. She lives in the Washington, D.C. area, where she has done extensive technical writing as a contractor. She owned a tri-state medical outsourcing business for a number of years and was the Director of a behavioral healthcare firm. She once flipped a comic book and collectible retail company comprised of five stores, and she has managed cemeteries and funeral homes. She is the owner of Annie Acorn Publishing LLC. Ms. Acorn has published in The Inspirational Writer, and she edited an in-house publication for the State of Mississippi. She is a contributor of ezine articles. In her spare time, Ms. Acorn enjoys reading, writing mysteries, listening to classical music, playing cards, and spending time with her family and friends – often at a restaurant serving delicious food.

Today we are celebrating her novel A Clue for Adrianna


A Clue for Adrianna recently released by Annie Acorn Publishing LLC, is the first novel in the contemporary romantic woman’s fiction series Captain’s Point Stories that I am writing in collaboration with writer and publisher, Annie Acorn under our pseudonym Charlotte Kent.  The pseudonym celebrates our efforts and sets them apart from our individual work as Juliette Hill and Annie Acorn. Our collaboration has been smooth, exciting and rewarding, as well as lots and lots of fun! 

It all began back in January when Annie and I were discussing upcoming WIPs for the year. She offered me the opportunity to work with her on a romance series that she had been thinking about writing for years, but was still fluid in her mind.   I always intended to start a series of my own at some point.  Who would have imagined that, in approximately 90 days, we would have written, edited and published our first full-length novel?

The process was amazing, as we’ve truly experienced two creative minds being better than one, melding our similar writing styles, voices, and visions. Our individual ideas about setting, characters and plot development wove seamlessly together, creating a romantic, suspenseful, contemporary, often humorous, women’s fiction novel.  It’s our belief that readers will find themselves falling in love again as they follow our main character’s journey of personal growth and discovery of true love!

The fictitious town of Captain’s Point on Maryland’s Eastern Shore is the setting of our series.  Living in Maryland as we do, Annie and I both have a soft place in our hearts for the Eastern Shore with the area’s deep roots in history, its picturesque towns and scenery, friendly residents and, of course, the close proximity of both the Atlantic Ocean and the Chesapeake Bay.  The commerce and lifestyle of the area blend with our storylines, enhancing their beautiful imagery and larger than life characters.

A strong cast of characters, who will grow and change depending upon whatever curve balls life throws at them, are introduced within the first book.  Adrianna Montgomery, the series’ central character, is a modern young woman who meets a number of challenges that life throws at her.  Doors close, and she embraces others as they open.  As her character exploded onto the pages, Adrianna guided us through the episodes of her journey, dictating and influencing our approach to her interactions with the other main players.  

The series, as it’s developing, proudly embraces our characters’ pasts and heritage while dealing with present day situations and issues.  Storylines highlight Adrianna’s development of friendships and relationships with the residence of Captain’s Point and beyond.  Serious writing has already been completed on the next three novels, within which the series merges our characters business lives with fun, romance, courtship, marriage, children, friendships, human failures and flaws as well as personal triumphs and successes.

A Man for Susan, the second novel in the series will be available August 1, 2013.  The future for our readers is bright indeed as we explore the wonders of Captain’s Point together!

Interview by Juliette Hill of Annie Acorn

Question #1:  We were able to write and edit A Clue for Adrianna, the first novel in our Captain’s Point Stories series in the contemporary romantic fiction genre in approximately 90 days.  Besides churning out sometimes thousands of words a day, what do you feel was the secret to accomplishing such an ambitious goal?

Annie Acorn:  It isn’t only the number of words we produced each day that led us to accomplishing such a goal–the key to writing a good novel, which was our goal, is saying what you intend to say in a way that will be entertaining and helpful to the reader, if they should chose to learn from the experience of the characters presented.

I am personally proud of what came out of our daily collaboration, during which we continually reminded ourselves who these characters were, what their lives were like, what their hopes and dreams were and their baggage (or what they as individuals had to overcome) in order to become the best they could be.

We put ourselves in the position of our characters to truly understand their actions and individual growth.

Question #2:  Did you ever experience writer’s block while we were working on A Clue for Adrianna or while you were writing any of your prior literary works?  If so, how did you deal with this issue?

Annie Acorn:  I can honestly say that I have never experienced writers’ block.  Scenes will come to me unexpectedly like a gift but when writing a daily quota, what I do is reread the previous scene and ask which one of the characters would take the next step, or who might show up at the door–that sort of thing.

Question #3: How did you find the experience of our collaboration on such a large undertaking like A Clue for Adrianna?

Annie Acorn:  I have always had an overactive imagination and obviously you do, too, Juliette.  Every time I thought I had a story line, you brought just as much to the table.  By bringing our creative perspectives together in the book, we produced vastly better material than we could have on our own.

Saying that, there were three things that I found during my experience: (1) knowing I was checking in with you each day kept me writing; (2) having daily collaboration discussions helped me focus on characters’ motivations, dreams and goals; and (3) I often saw your role, Juliette, in collaborating as keeping me on track–true to the characters by insisting that a character had to do something or not do something.

Question #4:  How did you approach this undertaking, given that this novel is the first in the Captain’s Point Stories (romance) series, compared to any of your previous works such as your highly successful Chocolate Can Kill, the first in the Emily Harris Cozy Mystery series?

Annie Acorn:  First, in a mystery series, the author is constantly looking to move the sleuth from one environment or group of people to another so that the reader has a fresh suspect or set of suspects to choose from.  With a romance series, a writer wants to set up an environment and a broad group of strong characters that the reader will want follow as they move forward together in the series.

When writing a mystery, one usually wants to limit the number of characters to between 12 and 15.  While in an ongoing romance series, the more characters that are casually introduced the better, without confusing the reader.

Question #5:  What if any, surprises or unexpected challenges did you encounter during our collaborative effort?

Annie Acorn:  I was surprised by how much fun that it was!  At the start, I had carried around a setting for a series for 30 years–a young woman that inherits a large money pit property in a small town who meets a cast of characters who change, broaden and enrich each other’s lives.  On Jan. 10, 2013, I had no plot, no characters, no message beyond the single woman and the house.  In point of fact, the town of Captain’s Point is small but the house is not at all what I had envisioned nor is the character of Adrianna.  After we started, Adrianna took on a life of her own.  When she became defined, she dictated how we would move forward imagining the people around her and who might be thrown in her path that we could draw upon for the story.

The second surprise would be how much fun it could be to write collaboratively with another author who’s voice and vision are so similar.  I found it stimulating working with another accomplished author such as yourself, Juliette.  Our brainstorming sessions were amazing.

Question #6:  Working with you on this endeavor has been a dream-come-true for me and I have learned so much about completing a full-length novel.  What would you say is the greatest lesson that you’ve learned from this experience?

Annie Acorn:  Having written for more decades than I care to reveal, after all, Annie Acorn writes blog posts as– A Tired Older Woman… , it was wonderful to reaffirm that you’re never too old to take on a new challenge and stretch your talents such that they may be.

Second lesson:  Annie Acorn really does need 8 hours sleep a night rather than 4!

Question #7:  Was there anything about the collaborative approach to writing this novel that has surprised you?

Annie Acorn:  At times, A Clue… poured out of me!  So many words wanted to come out that it would have been physically painful not to put pen to paper.

For days on end, I would go to bed, only to wake up three hours later having to complete one or two chapters that were ready to be borne.  Being A Tired Older Woman… this took its toll–flipping my days and nights, forgetting to eat–a slave to my words.  At the end of the day, reading A Clue for Adrianna–it was all worth it!

Question #8:  Since A Clue for Adrianna is your first novel which would be categorized primarily as a romance, what have you found to be the most appealing aspect of working in this genre?

Annie Acorn:  Having the opportunity to fall in love again.  I have occasionally on my blog mentioned that I’ve been a widow for almost 20 years, writing this story of two, three-dimensional true to life young professionals, whose paths have met at a crucial time during which they fall in love, has allowed me to relive the time when I fell in love and married my soul mate.

We set out to write a romance and what we wrote was a romantic women’s fiction novel taking our work way beyond our initial expectations.  Our characters are so strong!

Question #9:  What do Charlotte Kent’s readers have in store for them in the near future?

Annie Acorn: Lots of fun and romance!  A Man for Susan, the second novel in our series has a projected launch date of August 1st!  Substantial writing has been completed on this work.  At the moment, we have five books in the works with others to come.  Romance and humor consistently flow through all five books as do a strong cast of characters experiencing and learning from life surrounded by friends and family at Captain’s Point.

Thank you so much, Annie, for spending this time with us and sharing your personal experiences, so that our readers and fellow authors have a better understanding of what motivates and influences you as a writer, as well as insights into our new collaborative undertaking, the Captain’s Point Stories series!
Thank you for hanging out here today!!!
How can readers get in touch with you and get a copy of this awesome book?


On Twitter:              @CharlotteKent20



By Email:

               (Juliette Hill)

                (Anne Acorn)





Welcome Awesome Author Christine Steendam today!

Christine has been writing stories since she could put pen to paper and form words. Now, many years later, her debut novel is scheduled to be released and her second book is in the works.

Christine has spent the better half of her life owning and working with horses, and these four legged companions often find their way into her stories. After all, no work of women’s fiction would be complete without a horse or two (in Christine’s opinion at least).
She currently makes her home in the center of the world—no, really. Look at an atlas!

Today, we are celebrating her novel, Heart Like an Ocean!
In a society where she doesn't belong, Senona Montez, a strong-willed and free-spirited woman refuses to follow the path expected of a Don's only child.

On the eve of her marriage to a stranger, she saddles her horse and flees everything she knows, only to discover the petty concerns of society did not prepare her for the harsh life on the open sea. She finds an unlikely protector in a reckless privateer, Brant Foxton.

Straddling the worlds of independence and privilege in 1600's Europe, this captivating man challenges her in ways she never thought possible, shows her what living to the fullest really means, and allows her to follow her heart wherever it leads.

Heart Like An Ocean Excerpt:


Senona looked around the room full of swirling dresses of so many shapes and colors. It was like a dream and left her overwhelmed and unable to tear her eyes away. Tonight she was a princess in her new dress with her hair curled, cascading in loose waves down her back. Tonight she was perfect.

Browsing the room, this time in search of familiar faces, Senona spotted Caton Amador, and Isidro Amato. The boys, although older, were her friends and a welcome relief to the overwhelming nature of her surroundings. She made her way around the perimeter of the room in their general direction.

Isidro was never very serious about anything and enjoyed teasing Senona, which annoyed her to no end. Caton was much more subdued and quiet, at least around her. Although they were not as close as they once had been, the families remained good friends, and the three of them spent many hours riding around the countryside or playing games in the garden. When they were younger, Isidro and Caton had been her constant companions, helping her sneak out of tea with their Madres or rescuing her from lessons with her tutor. Now they never voluntarily saw each other, but due to their families’ relationship, they found themselves together often enough. 

“Senona, my Chica! You are a picture of beauty, as always,” boomed Isidro’s obnoxious and teasing voice.

Caton turned to look at the young girl. “Leave her alone, Isidro.”

“Come on, Caton. She’s glad to see us.”

Caton frowned but said nothing, turning his attention back to the pretty girl standing next to him. Isidro seemed to accept that as permission to continue, and he smirked mockingly at Senona, beckoning her. The small flock of girls that surrounded the two boys giggled, causing her to blush and become hesitant and uncomfortable. She had never seen the boys in this environment, and she quickly questioned her decision that she belonged with them.

“It’s okay, Isidro. I just wanted to say hello.”

“Well then, run along. There must be some of your friends around.”

Senona forced a smile and turned to Caton. “Hello, Caton.” 

He barely acknowledged her with a brief glance and nod in her direction, and then returned to ignoring her. Unsure of how to deal with Caton’s rejection, she walked away, her eyes burning with angry tears that threatened to spill over. Why was he being so rude? Not even so much as a hello, as if he were embarrassed to be associated with her. 

As she pushed her way through the crowd, she heard one of the girls laugh. “Caton, I do believe you hurt her feelings.”

Caton’s deep, unmistakable chuckle cut through the din and his voice was all she heard. “She’s a silly, strange girl. I would rather not encourage her.”

Senona expected this behavior from Isidro, but from Caton? She had always thought he was honest and simple, but his actions tonight had shown her otherwise. She had been a fool to think that these older boys were her friends.

Escaping into the shadows, she hid from the sneering glances and mocking laughter that seemed to follow her wherever she went. She had thought that tonight would be different, but nothing had changed. She was just a strange little girl.

The night was a blur, a blur of swirling skirts and obnoxious voices. To nearly everyone she was invisible. Even her Madre and Padre, who had never been overly affectionate towards their daughter, seemed to have completely forgotten her existence. But that wasn’t so different from normal. They weren’t very affectionate people ever, even towards each other. 

At the end of the night, Senona lay in bed, her new dress hanging in her wardrobe, mocking her. She had realised tonight how far she fell from society’s standards, her own parents’ standards. Any illusion she had of being a princess, of being perfect for one night had been shattered. But that didn't really bother her. The truly odd thing was that she felt a weight lifted from her shoulders. Perhaps she didn’t have to be that way. Perhaps now she had the freedom to do as she wanted. It wasn’t as if anyone cared about her anyway. She was just a strange little girl.


Get your copy here!


Contact Christine here!





Welcome to the Barnard strand of the web, Awesome Author Leslie Garcia!

Her novel, Unattainable, releases March 18th! But here we have a sneak peek at what you have to look forward to!! 

Jovi stood at the window in the office, looking out at the girls cantering around the nearby training ring. Selina, the tall, quiet one, was sitting easily on the leopard Appaloosa, laughing and looking happy. Michelle and Amy were riding with confidence, though neither seemed particularly outgoing or cheerful. But Dell told him they tended to be quiet and serious, still troubled by the problems that had brought them here. He’d been surprised the three girls were on the ranch on a judge’s informal agreement with their mothers and were participating in what amounted to a summer camp for troubled teens.

            His mouth twisted as his gaze turned to Maribel. She sat rigidly on the big, gentle bay she rode, and unlike the others, her face was etched into hard, unfeeling lines, her mouth tightly compressed. He didn’t know her story, he realized; he’d barely seen Dell since he started, and she’d said nothing about this bitter young woman who showed up one afternoon using a vocabulary that made Pete, the elderly groom, shake his head and mutter “perdida” whenever he saw her.

            Jovi grimaced. Pete was from a time of manners and respect, in spite of his job or circumstance. The man was probably right, too — he suspected Maribel truly was a lost cause. He squinted back in the direction of the ring, watching the players moving unknowingly across their stage. Not for the first time, he felt a small prick of guilt over being here to find evidence of Dell’s innocence — or guilt — in drug running.

About Leslie...

“Everything you enjoy was written by someone.”  That’s a credo I drum into the heads of my south Texas first graders, and something I’ve always believed absolutely.  Books, obviously, songs, movies, video games--to some extent, all started with words, and words are a writer’s tools.

            My writing career began in first grade, when my principal hung my Christmas story on the bulletin board at Mt. Carmel Elementary in Douglasville, GA.  My first sale came later that same year, when a children’s magazine called Kids sent me $1.50 for an awful poem about dolphins, but strengthened my resolve to succeed.  Eventually.

            My most current release, Unattainable, is my debut novel with Crimson Romance, and represents one of those joyous stops along this road I’ve followed all my life—the road of a writer, which doesn’t always go anywhere, but can never end.

            Unattainable is set in south Texas, a place where cultures meet, clashing sometimes but also melding into memorable traditions, customs and people unique to the storied banks of the Rio Grande.  La Llorona (The Wailing Woman) is also specifically a story of the Rio Grande, with its loose retelling of the century old legend of a murderous mom.  I’m especially proud of my Llorona anthology, with its mix of current fiction with treasured legend, poetry, and an essay on Casey Anthony and her kindred spirits.

            Gone are the days of youth when I wanted to preside over the family’s roadside amusement park in rural Georgia; I traded those crazy years for a more pragmatic life in Laredo, Texas surrounded by four “personal” children, 9 grandchildren, and 20+ “loaner” children every new school year.  And a beagle with more attitude but less virtue than  Charles Schultz’s Snoopy. 

            Writing?  Think of it as a survival skill.  I always have.

How to contact Leslie ...

My Facebook Author’s Page:



Twitter: @LesliePGarcia


Website (this sort of is my web site until I find a host I actually like and have time to keep up with--right now I don’t exactly have one!) :   



Join me in welcoming Awesome Author Elyse Salpeter to my little bloglet today!

Today, we're celebrating Elyse's debut novel, Flying to the Light!  Get your copy here! And guess what! The sequel, Flying to the Fire, releases in March!!


Seventeen year old Michael Anderson and his deaf kid brother, Danny, find themselves in mortal danger after their parents are kidnapped. Michael discovers Danny has a special gift—he knows what happens after a person dies—and now others want to know too. The brothers must outwit and outrun Samuel Herrington, a lethal biophysicist, the FBI, and even fellow Americans in a harrowing cross-country chase, because whoever gets to Danny first will have the power to rule the world.

Here's a teaser!!

Day 4—Thursday, 5:00 a.m.
He felt old. Not the kind of old where someone simpers along in a blessed Alzheimer’s oblivion and nurses tend to your every need, but the kind of old that nightmares bring. The old that if he closed his eyes to go to bed for the night, there would be the lingering fear he might not wake up in the morning—that this might be his last cognizant night on Earth.
Michael was so terrified he couldn’t breathe. His safe, little world had shifted out of its comfortable orbit the moment his parents were kidnapped, propelling him to places he never dreamed imaginable. Suddenly, there was horror everywhere and nothing was what it appeared to be. How could life go so terribly wrong in just a few hours? He had had no time to think. He couldn’t plan, but just reacted to what was happening. A storm, more volatile and dangerous than a level five tornado had turned his world inside out and all he could do was attack it head-on, swallowing his fear and living strictly on the adrenaline pumping furiously throughout his body, hoping against hope his luck wouldn’t run out.
The only thing he knew was that now his little brother was his responsibility. An innocent six-year old who for some reason the world wanted to claim as its own to exploit.
Michael wouldn’t let them win. He would protect his brother with his life.
He glanced at Danny, who had fallen asleep in the passenger seat. He could see his brother’s furrowed brow and pale face in the flickering glow of the highway lamplights. Michael felt like they’d been through a war, racing right along with the military guys in the Middle East right now.
Just as the rain began hitting the windshield, Danny started to whimper.
“Don’t worry. I won’t let anything happen to you.” He wondered if he could fulfill that simple promise. He took one hand off the wheel and patted his brother’s head. Danny immediately calmed. Still, he wouldn’t have responded even if Michael had shouted. Danny was deaf, and that, among other things, was one of the reasons they were in this car fleeing across the country. They were running far away from their home, trying desperately to get to a small town in northern California. Mr. Daley had said there was a man there who could help them. Daley was Michael’s high school biology teacher and the only person in Rockland County who wasn’t out for the glory, the money, the prize of scientific discovery, or the chance to see the light.
The Night Before
Day 3 Wednesday 9:30 p.m.
“Michael, what the hell are you doing here?” Daley asked, incredulous when he and Danny, having nowhere else to turn, stormed into the biology classroom. The teacher had been working late, setting up science experiments for the next day’s lessons, and was just in the middle of laying out rows of beakers when they burst in on him. One look outside at the advancing mob, brandishing their sticks and bats, and he knew what was happening. How could he not? He had seen the boys’ faces plastered all over the evening news. The things they had been accused of. He immediately ran over and shut off the overhead lights so as not to attract the attention of the mob. Turning on the small lamp next to his desk, he turned to the boys, and didn’t like what he saw.
The Michael before him was not the young man who had been in his class days before. The calm and humble introvert who preferred to hide behind his long dark hair rather than admit to anyone how brilliant he really was had disappeared. Now he was nearly unrecognizable from his former self. Deathly pale and sweating profusely, he ran his hands through his hair and paced the room, racing from one window and then back to the door to make sure it was locked, and then repeating the actions, over and over. He reminded Daley of a drug addict in need of a fix. Danny was no better. His dark brown eyes were wide, fearful saucers as he watched his brother do his strange dance, a look of helplessness spread across his features and showing in his sunken sockets.
He heard fighting outside. There wasn’t a lot of time. Daley grabbed the pad on his desk and started scribbling. “We’ve got to get you guys out of here before that mob finds you. This is the name and address of an old friend of mine. He’ll be able to help you. At the very least, it’ll put some distance between you and them.” He jerked his head towards the window.
Michael glanced out the window again. “Who is he? Another teacher? Someone from the government?”
Michael’s voice rose agitatedly, bordering on panic, and Daley knew he had to calm him down, had to get him under control. “He’s someone you can trust. He’ll know what to do. Here, I’m giving you my car.” He handed Michael the keys, but the kid started to protest. After running with his brother for days, the boy must be exhausted and probably felt he couldn’t trust anyone. Well, his feelings didn’t matter right now. Michael had to listen to him. It was the only way to keep him safe.
Daley grabbed the kid’s elbows and pulled him close until their faces were only inches apart, forcing Michael to confront him.
Michael tried to pull away, started to fight him, but Daley held him firm. “Get it together, kid. You’re not a child, so don’t act like one.”
Michael stared defiantly at his teacher, his green eyes squinting angrily. It was a look Daley was relieved to see. The kid hadn’t lost it completely.
“Good,” he started. “Your brother needs you and you’re the only person who can help him right now. Do you understand me?” He forced the keys and note into Michael’s hands, squeezing the kid’s fingers closed around them.
Michael didn’t say anything, but he took them and Daley breathed a sigh of relief.
Daley felt Danny by his side. He looked down, and the little guy took his palm and kissed it. A moment later five black crows landed on the windowsill, squawking loudly.
Daley stared at the birds, trembling. It’s true, he thought, awed. He pulled his gaze away from the window and spoke quickly. “It’s time to go. The car is in the back parking lot, the blue Honda with a Badgers Football bumper sticker. And here, take this, too. You’ll need it.” He opened his wallet and took out some cash. He placed it in an envelope, which had been on his desk and thrust it into Michael’s hands. Daley then ushered them down the back staircase and out the rear entrance of the school towards the parking lot.
As the boys pulled out of sight, the tires squealing against the pavement, the first group of townspeople began searching the school. He heard their muffled shouts echoing through the empty halls. Daley breathed a sigh of relief until the crowd noticed the small flock of birds on the sill and went into a frenzy. Immediately, they started breaking doors and smashing windows, all trying to be first to get into the school and apprehend Danny.
Hidden in the shadows, Daley took out his cell phone and dialed. When the familiar voice answered, he smiled. “They came just like I told you they would. I sent them on a wild goose chase to some phony address in California near the home base. No, Mr. Herrington, don’t worry about it, the car’s got a tracking device. We’ll pick them up once they get out of state. Have your men keep close tabs on them until I call in next.” He closed the phone and put it back in his pocket.
Daley turned to stare at the school, shaking his head. A window in his lab shattered as someone threw a chair out of it.
“Run, my boys, run,” he whispered to himself, turning and disappearing into the night.
Michael glanced up from the road for a moment and using his thumbnail, he opened the envelope Daley had given him. Inside was four hundred dollars. His anger at his teacher for treating him like a child abated and he calmed down, shaking his head at the generosity the man had shown. His turned his gaze to Danny. He was sound asleep, but Michael knew he was probably dreaming of birds, and, of course, the light.

How to contact Elyse...
Twitter: @elysesalpeter

Join me in welcoming fellow West Texas gal Tiffany A. White to my blog today!
Today, we're celebrating the release of Tiffany's debut YA mystery, Football Sweetheart! 

High School Football can be MURDER 

Aimee Freeman is looking forward to the start of her senior year. She knows her best friend Ella has been keeping secrets from her all summer long, but with football season right around the corner, the student trainer decides not to worry about it-they'll have plenty of time to catch up on the field.

Then Ella goes missing, and Aimee realizes those secrets might be the key to finding her. As the case unfolds, Aimee discovers more than one person may have wanted to harm Ella. Was it Ella's current boyfriend, a social outcast the entire city seems intent on blaming for her disappearance? Or her ex-boyfriend, the beloved star quarterback who has harassed Ella since their breakup? The list of potential suspects continues to grow after Aimee reads Ella's journal, but she must first break her best friend's secret code to reveal their identities.

 Unbeknownst to Aimee, her investigation has not gone unnoticed. Ella's abductor is watching and waiting. Will he decide Aimee needs to be silenced-making her the next target? 


Football Sweetheart
High school football is life in West Texas.  Little boys and girls dream of their futures, fantasizing about their high school careers as all-star quarterbacks and head cheerleaders.  Families move to different parts of town to ensure their sons will play in the dominant program and their daughters will cheer for the top team.   Families fight and deceive to ensure their sons experience this once in a lifetime opportunity of playing football at one of the most prestigious schools in Texas High School football history.  Parents also watch their daughters tumble their way through childhood, hoping to see their little girls stand on the sidelines and cheer every Friday night in the fall.  Regardless of whether or not a household has a child participating in these programs as players, trainers, cheerleaders, band members, or drill team dancers, everyone supports the team. The community practically presents these students with the key to the city.  These accommodations generate an entitled atmosphere with these teenagers.  Some would even say the football players and those associated with them get away with murder. 

A teaser ...  
Her mood vastly improved, Aimee began her journey back to the foyer. But as she passed the varsity showers, her paranoia returned once again. She had been in this room hundreds of times over her high school career and never quite felt as she did this instant. Aimee’s arm hairs stood straight up, just as they would have had the temperature drastically dropped. Chills covered her cheeks and arms. The feeling of disturbed butterflies swarmed inside Aimee’s stomach, and the urgency to leave the pitch-black locker room prompted her to take longer strides, until a sharp pain rushed through Aimee’s right pinky toe.

“Damn it!” Aimee crumpled over in pain. It was too dark to see what she had stubbed her toe on or if it was bleeding, but the pain was substantial. She squeezed her toe between her fingers, forcing the pain to subside. As she rocked back and forth holding her tiny toe, she remained in a ball with her long, curled locks dangling over both sides of her face. Suddenly, a cool breeze tickled the nape of Aimee’s exposed neck.

A large shadow hovered over Aimee in the darkness. He reached down, but was interrupted. His once extended hand now covered his mouth, trapping any sounds that might escape as he slowly tiptoed backwards into the toilet area.
Contact Tiffany and buy your copy of Football Sweetheart here!

Join me in welcoming Christine Steendam to my blog today!




Christine's debut novel, Heart Like an Ocean releases today, February 7th, so enjoy!!


Heart like An Ocean
In a society where she doesn't belong, Senona Montez, a strong-willed and free-spirited woman refuses to follow the path expected of a Don's only child.
On the eve of her marriage to a stranger, she saddles her horse and flees everything she knows, only to discover the petty concerns of society did not prepare her for the harsh life on the open sea. She finds an unlikely protector in a reckless privateer, Brant Foxton.
Straddling the worlds of independence and privilege in 1600's Europe, this captivating man challenges her in ways she never thought possible, shows her what living to the fullest really means, and allows her to follow her heart wherever it leads.
About Christine
Christine has been writing stories since she could put pen to paper and form words. Now, many years later, her debut novel is scheduled to be released and her second book is in the works.
Christine has spent the better half of her life owning and working with horses, and these four legged companions often find their way into her stories. After all, no work of women’s fiction would be complete without a horse or two (in Christine’s opinion at least).
She currently makes her home in the center of the world—no, really. Look at an atlas.
Heart Like An Ocean Excerpt
Senona looked around the room full of swirling dresses of so many shapes and colors. It was like a dream and left her overwhelmed and unable to tear her eyes away. Tonight she was a princess in her new dress with her hair curled, cascading in loose waves down her back. Tonight she was perfect.
Browsing the room, this time in search of familiar faces, Senona spotted Caton Amador, and Isidro Amato. The boys, although older, were her friends and a welcome relief to the overwhelming nature of her surroundings. She made her way around the perimeter of the room in their general direction.
Isidro was never very serious about anything and enjoyed teasing Senona, which annoyed her to no end. Caton was much more subdued and quiet, at least around her. Although they were not as close as they once had been, the families remained good friends, and the three of them spent many hours riding around the countryside or playing games in the garden. When they were younger, Isidro and Caton had been her constant companions, helping her sneak out of tea with their Madres or rescuing her from lessons with her tutor. Now they never voluntarily saw each other, but due to their families’ relationship, they found themselves together often enough. 
“Senona, my Chica! You are a picture of beauty, as always,” boomed Isidro’s obnoxious and teasing voice.
Caton turned to look at the young girl. “Leave her alone, Isidro.”
“Come on, Caton. She’s glad to see us.”
Caton frowned but said nothing, turning his attention back to the pretty girl standing next to him. Isidro seemed to accept that as permission to continue, and he smirked mockingly at Senona, beckoning her. The small flock of girls that surrounded the two boys giggled, causing her to blush and become hesitant and uncomfortable. She had never seen the boys in this environment, and she quickly questioned her decision that she belonged with them.
“It’s okay, Isidro. I just wanted to say hello.”
“Well then, run along. There must be some of your friends around.”
Senona forced a smile and turned to Caton. “Hello, Caton.” 
He barely acknowledged her with a brief glance and nod in her direction, and then returned to ignoring her. Unsure of how to deal with Caton’s rejection, she walked away, her eyes burning with angry tears that threatened to spill over. Why was he being so rude? Not even so much as a hello, as if he were embarrassed to be associated with her. 
As she pushed her way through the crowd, she heard one of the girls laugh. “Caton, I do believe you hurt her feelings.”
Caton’s deep, unmistakable chuckle cut through the din and his voice was all she heard. “She’s a silly, strange girl. I would rather not encourage her.”
Senona expected this behavior from Isidro, but from Caton? She had always thought he was honest and simple, but his actions tonight had shown her otherwise. She had been a fool to think that these older boys were her friends.
Escaping into the shadows, she hid from the sneering glances and mocking laughter that seemed to follow her wherever she went. She had thought that tonight would be different, but nothing had changed. She was just a strange little girl.
The night was a blur, a blur of swirling skirts and obnoxious voices. To nearly everyone she was invisible. Even her Madre and Padre, who had never been overly affectionate towards their daughter, seemed to have completely forgotten her existence. But that wasn’t so different from normal. They weren’t very affectionate people ever, even towards each other. 
At the end of the night, Senona lay in bed, her new dress hanging in her wardrobe, mocking her. She had realised tonight how far she fell from society’s standards, her own parents’ standards. Any illusion she had of being a princess, of being perfect for one night had been shattered. But that didn't really bother her. The truly odd thing was that she felt a weight lifted from her shoulders. Perhaps she didn’t have to be that way. Perhaps now she had the freedom to do as she wanted. It wasn’t as if anyone cared about her anyway. She was just a strange little girl.

Join me in welcoming author Anna Kristell to my blog today!

When Army Major Jessica Walsh meets local factory worker, Cody Jones, she finds herself staring straight into the eyes of the man who’s been haunting her dreams for the past few nights. Fresh from a breakup with her cheating ex, Jessica sets out to seduce the sexy brown-eyed man in the hopes of a brief rebound affair. Getting more than she bargained for, she falls in love with him, but has kept a secret about who she really is.
On the night she plans to tell him the truth, Cody plans to propose. But before either of those things can take place, they run into Jessica’s ex, who cruelly spills the beans. Angry and heartbroken, Cody ends the relationship, turning to a bottle for comfort. Jessica’s hurt, she accepts his decision. While they find they can't stay away from each other, they can't seem to work out their differences, either. Will the unlikely lovers be able to overcome the obstacles in their lives and find their happy ever after?
“And I’m Cody,” the sexy man with the brown wavy hair said, flashing a smile that sent shivers up and down Jessica’s spine. He extended his right hand.

She took it saying, “I’m Jessica and this is Missy, nice to meet you both.” The simple touch of his hand was enough to make her want to get closer to him, much closer. Her hand felt as though it had been scorched as she pulled it away.

“Thanks for the beer. You two ready to get beat by a couple of girls?” Missy looked at Andy, laughing.

“Bring it on,” he answered with a wink.

They bowled two games, girls winning one, and guys winning the other.

“How about a rematch to break the tie and the losers take the other team out for pizza afterward?” Cody challenged.

“You’re on. Right, Missy?” Jessica looked at her friend.

“Right, let’s show ‘em what we can do, girlfriend.”

To prove her point, Missy threw three strikes in a row.

“I think we’re in trouble, man.” Andy chuckled as he looked at Cody.

“We’ll see about that!” Cody threw the next strike as the four of them burst into uncontrollable laughter.

The girls won by two pins, much to their delight.

“We’ll let you off the hook and go Dutch since you came so close,” Jessica said as she changed out of the ugly shoes and back into her boots.

“Sounds like a deal,” Cody answered with a smile that set her pulse racing again. And then she knew. His eyes. There was something about them.

They decided where to meet and as Missy drove to the pizza parlor, Jessica turned to her and said, “Thanks for talking me into coming out tonight. I haven’t had this much fun in ages.”

“I haven’t either. But let’s not tell them too much about ourselves. Okay?”

“I agree.” The girls knew from experience some men were intimidated by a female officer.

“Aren’t they hunks, both of them?”

“Oh, yeah, especially Cody,” Jessica said dreamily.

“I prefer the blonde look, myself.” Missy giggled as she pulled into the parking lot.

“That’s good, since I have my eye on Cody.” The mere thought of sharing a bed with the wavy haired man was almost more than Jessica could bear.

When they got out of Missy’s car, the two men were already there waiting for them in the parking lot.

“After you.” Cody opened the door of the restaurant for Jessica, following behind her.

After they’d all decided on a supreme deluxe pizza complete with anchovies and ordered a pitcher of beer and soft drinks for the two drivers, they began to talk.

“Why haven’t we seen you two ladies around before?” Cody inquired as he looked at Jessica with that same sexy smile that had first drawn her to him.

“We’ve not been bowling for a while.” She returned the smile shyly.

“We keep pretty busy with work,” Missy added, looking at Andy.

“I hear that. We’ve been putting in all kinds of overtime at the plant,” Andy replied.

“So you both work at Goodyear?” Jessica asked.

“Yeah, like most folks around here that aren’t lucky enough to get out of town.”

“What do you girls do?” Cody asked.

“Uh, we both work on post,” Missy answered vaguely as she took a sip of the Coke that had just arrived.

“Ah, another place a lot of folks around here work,” Andy observed.

Jessica was incredibly intrigued by Cody. He had the most gorgeous brown eyes she had ever seen, like huge drops of chocolate candy...almost identical to the man in her dream. She began to imagine his hard working hands roaming her body, rocking her world, taking her to the ends of the earth and back…Jessica, get a grip, she told herself as she found herself staring into those beautiful eyes again.

The other three continued with light banter as they enjoyed the pizza while Jessica tried to concentrate on what they were all saying. It wasn’t easy with the brown eyed man sitting next to her. And long before she was ready, the evening was coming to an end.

Andy and Missy had exchanged cell phone numbers already as Cody asked Jessica for hers. She gave it to him and watched as he put it in his phone. She did the same with his.

“I’ll call you soon. Count on it, Jessie,” Cody said as he waved goodbye.

“That’d be great. I’ll talk to you soon.” She flashed him her sexiest smile.


Once they were on the road, Missy said, “Wow, Jess, that Andy is one sexy hunk of man. I’d love to see him again.”

“And I could get real cozy with Cody, if you know what I mean,” Jessica remarked thoughtfully. What would be the harm in a brief fling with a sexy local factory worker?

Missy glanced at her friend. “Jess, that doesn’t exactly sound like something you’d do. Are you really considering it?”

“Maybe, we’ll just have to see now, won’t we? All I can say is Cody Jones is one hell of a sexy man.”

After Missy had dropped her off at home, she prepared for bed with a smile as she remembered what he’d said. I wonder if he really will call.  She was just settling in between the cool sheets when her cell rang. She answered sleepily, “Hello.”

“Hey, Jessie, it’s Cody, calling to say goodnight.”

“Hi. When you said you’d call soon, you weren’t kidding.” She giggled and continued, “I’m glad to hear from you so soon.”

He chuckled. “I had a great time tonight, just had to call and tell you. I’m looking forward to seeing you again soon.”

“I had fun, too. We’ll definitely get together soon. Call me.”

“You can count on that, baby. Sweet dreams.”


She soon fell asleep, dreaming that a handsome, wavy haired man with huge, velvety chocolate brown eyes was sharing her bed. He kissed her lips then moved down her body, nuzzled her neck, stopping to whisper love words in her ear as he’d done in her dream the night before. She awoke, alone again, more determined than ever to make this particular dream become a reality, and the sooner the better.

Connect with Anna Kristnell here!

And buy her book, Unlikely Lovers, here!
Join me in welcoming best selling author Carmen DeSousa to my bloglet today!

The Depot (When Life and Death Cross Tracks)




The Depot is a twelve-thousand-word mini mystery with a paranormal edge by bestselling romantic-suspense author Carmen DeSousa. If you are looking for her full-length novels, please check out She Belongs to Me, Land of the Noonday Sun, Entangled Dreams, and When Noonday Ends.


They say The Depot is haunted. But in all the years homicide detective Mark Waters has visited the ancient train station turned restaurant, he’s never seen proof. Until now.
As he investigates a supposed suicide by train, he learns secrets of a murder that took place eighty years ago may directly affect his case.

About Carmen

Carmen characterizes her stories as modern-day fairytales, as they overflow with romance, mystery, suspense, and of course, tragedy. After all, what would a fairytale be without a tragic event setting the stage? All of her novels are sensual, but not erotic, gripping but not graphic and will make you cry, gasp, laugh, love, and hope.
Her first two novels, She Belongs to Me and Land of the Noonday Sun, have reached bestseller status right alongside Nicholas Sparks, J.D. Robb, and other great authors. Her third novel, Entangled Dreams, just published September 2012.
All of her novels are standalones; however, she does link each of her stories with a little surprise. If you read out of order, you'll never notice. But if you read in order, it's fun.

How to contact ...

Join me in welcoming Denise Moncrief to my little strand in the web today! 


Crisis of Identity



Tess Copeland is an operator. Her motto? Necessity is the mother of a good a con. When Hurricane Irving slams into the Texas Gulf coast, Tess seizes the opportunity to escape her past by hijacking a dead woman’s life, but Shelby Coleman’s was the wrong identity to steal. And the cop that trails her? He’s a U.S. Marshall with the Fugitive Task Force for the northern district of Illinois. Tess left Chicago because the criminal justice system gave her no choice. Now she’s on the run from ghosts of misdeeds past—both hers and Shelby’s.


Enter Trevor Smith, a pseudo-cowboy from Houston, Texas, with good looks, a quick tongue, and testosterone poisoning. Will Tess succumb to his questionable charms and become his damsel in distress? She doesn’t have to faint at his feet—she’s capable of handling just about anything. But will she choose to let Trevor be the man? When Tess kidnaps her niece, her life changes. She must make some hard decisions. Does she trust the lawman that promises her redemption, or does she trust the cowboy that promises her nothing but himself?
About Denise:
Denise wrote her first story when she was in high school—seventeen hand-written pages on school-ruled paper and an obvious rip-off of the last romance novel she read. She earned a degree in accounting, giving her some nice skills to earn a little money, but her passion has always been writing. She has written numerous short stories and more than a few full-length novels. Her favorite pastimes when she’s not writing are spending time with her family, traveling, reading, and scrapbooking. She lives in Louisiana with her husband, two children, and one very chubby dog.
EXCERPT from Crisis of Identity
The room had already filled five times with sea-soaked bodies. The dead lay head-to-foot, column-by-column, row-by-row, ten by twenty. Victim 973 had scrawled her Social Security number down her left arm just as she’d been instructed. I noted the number on my log and moved on, trying hard not to think about the person, concentrating only on the morbid job some pushy cop forced on me.
Across the high school gymnasium, a man worked the other end of the column. As his stealthy glances trailed me around the gym, the acid in my overwrought stomach churned every time our eyes met.
“Want to take a break?” His sudden question reverberated throughout the cavernous space.
I curled one tendril of hair around my left ear. “Sure.”
I followed him into the locker room, grabbing a foam cup and filling it with tepid coffee. The man did the same from another urn. The burnt brew left traces of bitterness in my mouth. I rubbed my tongue over my teeth in a vain attempt to remove the acrid leftovers.
My mind turned off for a few precious moments as I ignored the makeshift morgue on the other side of the wall. The man’s strong, masculine bass invaded my mental hideaway. “They’re starting to smell ripe.” He gulped down another ounce of artificial stimulant, staring at me over the rim of his cup.
My insides flipped. “It’s been four days.”
He nodded. “Most of these don’t have numbers.”
“Makes it harder to identify them.”
He leaned against a locker. “This group must have thought they were invincible.”
“Doesn’t everyone?” I tossed my cup into the overflowing trash. “Think they’re invincible, I mean."
“Certain death. How do you interpret that? I think it means, ‘I stay. I die.’ Must not have sunk in until it was too late.” His sarcastic attitude unsettled me, made me want to defend the dead.
“They’ve been warned before and nothing happened.” When the locals ordered an evacuation two years before, it proved to be a false alarm. The residents of the Texas Gulf coast weren’t so easy to convince this time. It seemed no one learned a lesson from Hurricane Katrina. “And…we’re not dead.” Our eyes locked.
Someone’s presence warmed my back. The site supervisor stood over my shoulder and repeated his prerecorded rant for the millionth time. “Mandatory is mandatory. The dead ignored the warning to their own peril. If they wanted to stay put, the least they could do is write their soc number on their arms...just like they were told to do. How many times did the news people make that announcement? Write your number on your arm if you plan to stay. How hard is that?”
I shifted away from him. I didn’t dare write my number on my arm.
“Suppose the two of you take a few. You look wasted, and these guys…” He waved his hand toward the gym. “Aren’t going anywhere.”


How to contact Denise Moncrief:

Twitter: @dmoncrief0131


Join me in welcoming author Keri Neal to my blog today!

Welcome Keri!!  Congratulations on your new release!! Tell us a little about TORN.

After Agent Shane Baxter’s last mission failed both professionally and personally, he fled the States and changed his name. When Dixie Peterson re-enters his life, he has a second chance to make things right. Dixie is determined to find out the truth about Shane’s departure from her life two years ago, but someone else from her past is seeking revenge. Shane and Dixie are forced to confront the past, while their future is still unclear.

Sounds great!  Can we have a teaser?




"Hmmm? What?"

Sheets rustled. "You have to go."

Shane Baxter opened one eye and stared into the dark bedroom. "Time is it?"

Dixie Peterson, who was spooned against his groin, lifted her head off the bed just enough to check the alarm clock on the nightstand. "’S three," she mumbled and burrowed herself back into her pillow.

He took a moment to appreciate her body with the arm that had been draped lazily over her hip. Slowly massaging his way up her stomach and into the warm crevice between her breasts, she hummed, which Shane took as an invitation. His body hardened in response, but when he began nibbling the back of her neck, a warning dispelled the mood. "Shane."

He stopped what he was doing and pulled her back against him. He recognized her admonition for what it was: a reality check. Their attraction to each other had been evident from the very beginning, but their current situation was…difficult. He had never before spent the night in her bed. This morning was a reckless treat he wasn’t about to let go to waste.

As if reading his mind, Dixie slid away from him and swung her legs off the side of the bed. Shane propped his head up and admired her soft feminine lines as she stretched. Her short blonde bob accentuated her long graceful neck. The soft glow of the alarm clock illuminated her firm, flawless skin.

She slanted him a look over her shoulder. "You’d better stop looking at me like that or neither one of us is getting out of this bed." Her sleepy voice was a sensual whisper that aroused him even more.

Quick as a snake, Shane snagged her around the waist, threw her on her back, and rolled on top of her. She let out a yelp.

"Shhh." His warning sent them both into a fit of giggles.

After they sobered, he pressed a kiss to her warm neck. "Do you want a ride to school?"

Dixie closed her eyes for a moment. When she opened them again, they were distant. As if a dark cloud had passed over their happy moment. "I don’t think that would be a good idea."

Her fingers danced along the long scar that split his bottom lip and ran down his chin. He longed to tell her how he came about the unusual mark, but that would invite questions about his past. A past he was not ready, or willing, to involve her in.

He brushed a stray hair off of Dixie’s forehead and gazed into her lavender eyes. They’d been together six months, and already he was falling for her in ways he’d never expected. By silent mutual understanding, their relationship remained light and fun. They both knew it couldn’t go anywhere.

"I have to go," he whispered, almost inaudible.

She nodded, a faint smile played on her lips. He leaned forward to kiss her goodbye. The quick peck became urgent when she reached between them and wrapped her fingers around his length. He bit back a groan as she raised her hips to guide him into her.

A faint sound coming from the hallway just outside Dixie’s bedroom door made them both freeze.

"Lily!" Dixie mouthed.

Shane rolled off the bed, silently locating most of his clothes and shoes. Not bothering with his shirt, he yanked on his jeans and allowed himself one last look at Dixie before he slipped out of the window. Her hair still mussed as she pressed her ear to the bedroom door. He caught her eye before climbing down the oak tree and into the dawn.

Such a beautiful cover!!  How can readers contact you?

Great. One more question. What is this I hear about a giveaway?
I am giving away an eBook copy of Torn, and a handmade crochet eReader cover (your choice of color). I will draw a name a day, everyday between February 2nd and February 6th  (that’s five winners!) Here’s what you do to enter:


1. Go to my blog at and leave a comment on any post.


2. Follow me on Twitter:


3. Like me on Facebook: 


Only one entry per person, even if you do all three. Please note that these eReader covers are handmade, so give me AT LEAST three weeks to mail them to you. I’ll make them in any color you want…as long as it exists J
Now, go pick up your copy of Keri's new release, TORN, ya hear? Thanks y'all!

Join me in welcoming romance author Vonnie Davis to my blog today! 

Sara, thank you for having me guest on your blog. I’m thrilled for the chance to share my love of writing. People often ask writers where we get our ideas for plot lines. I wish there was an easy answer. For me it involves keeping myself open to all the “what if” possibilities of life. A short newspaper article, a news snippet, an overheard conversation in a restaurant, a dream can all spark that “what if” internal dialogue in my writer’s mind.

For example, I once read a blog post entitled “Love Darts and Escargot.” A visual popped into my mind of a guy getting ready to make a shot at a pool table in a bar when he’s struck in the neck by an errant dart. When he whirls around to see who had the audacity to throw a dart at him he collides with a pair of widened blue eyes. I opened a document and had the first chapter—rough, of course—written in a few minutes. Back Where You Belong is waiting for its release date.

But that instant starting point doesn’t always come so easily. I’d been tooling around Still Moments Publishing’s website and checking out their open anthologies. Something about the Match Maker Series appealed to me, and I decided to write a short story for it. Too bad I couldn’t come up with a beginning. I wrote and deleted. Thought and shook my head. Nothing would come.

Then one day, I got a text from my grandson telling me he’d gotten all A’s on his report card, and there it was: That “what-if” possibility. What if a guy broke up with a girl in a text? Happens more often than we think. Right? I opened up a document and started writing the opening scene for A Taste of Chocolate…


Her lungs stopped working. This couldn’t be happening. Hope Morningstar read the words on her cell’s screen once more. Black spots danced across her vision field, and she finally breathed again. “He broke up with me!” Her gaze jumped from the screen to her sister’s questioning face, those finely waxed eyebrows of Gracie’s scrunched and her eyes narrowed. “Barclay broke up with me…in a text!”
Gracie snatched the cell from Hope. “Let me see.”
Hope rested her elbows on the table and dropped her face into her hands. This can’t be happening—not again.
Gracie, her older sister, ever the protective one, muttered several choice words about Barclay’s paternity and physical attributes. Then she read the text out loud, as if it wasn’t already seared into Hope’s psyche. “Dumpin u. Been fun, but m bored. Good luck finding someone who can handle ur bossiness. B.”
Hope didn’t bother to hide the tears slipping down her cheeks, not here on her sister’s deck, surrounded by swaying palms and ferns. Her sister’s backyard had always been an oasis of peace with its gurgle of a waterfall into the koi pond. “What’s wrong with me?” Hope swiped at tears with the back of her hand. “This makes the second sudden breakup. First Jason and now Barclay.”
“There’s nothing wrong with you.” Gracie gathered a fussy Olivia from her infant seat and settled her to her breast. “If you’re doing anything wrong, it’s the kind of men you pick.”
Hope tugged a package of tissues from her shoulder bag and pulled one out. “Yeah, I am a jerk-magnet. I mean how many women get a ‘Dear John’ letter from a serviceman while he’s deployed? Usually it’s the other way around, but not for me. Then I meet Barclay and things go well for six months. And now this.” She glanced at her phone and chewed on the corner of her lower lip. “Should I text him back or call him?”
“And what? Beg him to reconsider? Certainly not!” Gracie ran a hand over her daughter’s blonde fluff. “Look, you have to stop being so desperate. You run after these guys, and then they break your heart. Let one chase you for a change. Let him prove to you he’s worthy.”



Hope Morningstar has the worst luck with men. One boyfriend wrote her a “Dear John” letter while serving overseas. Her latest romantic interest broke up with her in a text. When a traffic detour puts her in an unfamiliar neighborhood, she stops at Freya’s Coffee Shop where she gets more than directions. She gets another chance at finding love.


Declan Fleming, scarred by a cheating ex-wife, has given up searching for love. He’s taken the route of a few other men and engaged the services of Freya, the matchmaker. Still, he’s been waiting for a year and he’s just about given up hope. Then Freya sends him Hope.


When feelings of insecurity and trust issues come into play, can finding love stand a chance? Can the magical influence of this matchmaker create a happy ending? After all, finding that one special love often involves a bit of special magic, does it not?






My website is:  Stop by to read about all my titles.


My blog home is Vintage Vonnie found at

                                                           Her Blog
For our first author, I welcome fellow 5 Prince author DOUG SIMPSON!!
Soul Mind
Doug Simpson
Available from 5 Prince Publishing
Genre: Fiction/General/Christian/Fantasy/Romance/Paranormal/Ghost/Visionary & Metaphysical
Release Date: January 10, 2013
Digital ISBN ISBN 13:978-1-939217-26-4 10:1939217261
Print ISBN ISBN 13: 978-1-9-939217-27-1 10:193921727x
Purchase link :

Soul Mind

Dacque LaRose, a genuine good-guy and Good Samaritan, was accustomed to being visited by and
communicating with disembodied spirits as he carried out his occasional assignments received from the
Heavenly Powers. His latest spirit visit went miles beyond anything he would have ever imagined. The spirit of
a former acquaintance and recent murder victim joined Dacque one morning on his favorite park bench and
asked him to assist in solving his murder as the local authorities were getting nowhere, through no fault of their
own but due to a lack of any substantial evidence in the case.
Dacque had absolutely no idea how he could be of assistance in solving a murder, but he was accustomed
to receiving his Heavenly assignments one installment at a time so he knew the steps he would be expected to
follow would appear in due course.
Dacque’s new assignment proved exciting and educational as the spirit of the murdered acquaintance gladly
explained to Dacque and his detective friend the inner workings of the Soul Mind or subconscious mind.
Doug Simpson is a retired high school teacher who has turned his talents to writing. His first novel, a spiritual
mystery titled Soul Awakening, was published in the United States in October of 2011, by Book Locker. His
magazine and website articles have been published in 2010 to 2012 in Australia, Canada, France, India, South
Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States. His articles can be accessed through his website at

Author Contact Info:
Website -
Twitter -!/1DougSimpson

Excerpt from Soul Mind

Dacque LaRose exited from the 7th Street Apartment Complex, on the chilly Monday morning in January,
and walked north on 7th Street. He preferred to take morning walks, as often as he could, unless there was a
specific reason to alter this routine, such as accommodating the schedule of a walking companion. On the days
that he walked alone, and had no urgent errands to attend to, in order to spice-up his morning journeys he
developed a routine where he alternated his starting direction between north and south. Walking east and west
were not options, at least when he left his apartment complex. Sunday morning had been a south day, making
Monday a north day.
Part two of Dacque’s walking regimen incorporated his desire to walk continuously, as in without
stopping, on his outward journey. To achieve this in the small, southern city of Anywhere, he allowed the street
lights and stop signs to direct his destinations. If he faced a red light, he went left or right. A stop sign gave him
the third option of continuing ahead, if traffic permitted. There were days when he stubbornly circled the same
block a time or two, before he was able to eventually escape through a green light, but he achieved his goal of
not stopping.
On this chilly Monday morning Dacque encountered his first red light at Olive Avenue, so he crossed
7th on the green and continued west along Olive until he was faced with a another red light at 10th Street. He
chose to cross Olive on the green light and go north again, but before he was half way across the light turned
yellow. Dacque hot-footed it to the curb, and then crossed 10th Street on the green light. He loved it when the
traffic signals led him into this section of the city. By choice, Dacque turned north and walked along the west
side of 10th street, catching a green light at Lime Avenue. One of the most beautiful spots in the city of
Anywhere, in his opinion anyway, was MacDunnah Park, located at the corner of 10th Street and Lime Avenue.
Dacque entered the park at the south-east corner and took the East Path north to the Central Path, where he
caught the Central Circle Path.
The Central Circle Path, as its name implied, circled the center of the Park where many park benches
and the most-beautiful flower gardens were located, at least in the seasons when they were in bloom. Dacque
stopped, not because he was tired, but because he came upon what he and Dani Christian, a good friend and
sometimes walking partner, referred to as ‘our bench,’ as it was on this bench that they had first met almost a
year earlier when he was directed by the little voice he sometimes heard in his ear from the other side, or one of
God’s messengers as he liked to believe. Now, whenever Dacque or Dani, together or alone, passed by ‘our
bench,’ they always stopped and sat for a few minutes in silent meditation. There is a story that goes with this
routine, obviously, but it will keep for another day.
After a five to ten minute period of silent meditation on ‘our bench,’ Dacque opened his eyes and his
heart skipped more than a beat when he saw Rolland Jones sitting on the other end of the bench. What made
this event so startling was the fact that Rolland Jones had died two months previously as the result of a swift
blow to the head from an old tire iron wielded by a yet unidentified servant of the Devil. Dacque caught his
breath and regained his composure, in rather short order. This was not the first time that he had encountered a
departed spirit, which made the initial shock easier to neutralize. “Hello, Rolland,” Dacque said, “I am truly
pleased to see you again.”
“Hello, Dacque,” Rolland’s spirit responded. “It looks like you won the ‘survival of the soul’ debate we
were involved in a few months ago.”
Dacque could not refrain from laughing no matter how hard he tried. “I am sorry about that, but it was
impossible to stifle it. I am sure you know that I truly wish I could have won the debate in some way other than
this way, believe me.”
“Don’t feel too bad,” Rolland’s spirit replied. “I know, now, that it was simply my time to go. Karma
can be a bugger, sometimes. Please tell Daphne that you saw me, and that I want her to get on with her life as
best she can. Our time together is over, at least in her current lifetime, but I suspect that our souls will decide to
incarnate together again in the future as we apparently have some unresolved issues to deal with. She was the
determined believer in reincarnation, as you know perfectly well, so I suspect that she will be delighted to hear
that I am still around, so to speak.”
“I will do that,” Dacque assured him.
“I dropped in to visit you today, to ask for your assistance in finding my murderer. The police are
getting nowhere with the case, at least at this point in time. It’s not really their fault. The culprit who clobbered
me with the tire iron did not leave them a lot of useful clues. The police may be barking up all of the wrong
trees. That’s where you come in.”
“What would you like me to do?”
“Time will answer that for us. For starters though, will you see if you can come up with a connection or
contact to the police investigation? We both understand that you cannot just walk into the cop-shop and tell
them that the departed spirit of the victim told you who the probable murderer was, so we will need to work on
this one step at a time.”
“Your logic is good. I’m not acquainted with any of the local police officers, but I do know a couple of
people who might have some connections. Let me work on it and see if I can locate your contact for you,”
Dacque replied. “I suspect that you realize that many people are unable to see spirits. For some reason, God has
seen fit to bless me with the ability to see and communicate with spirits, but I would guess that I am part of a
rather small minority there. Do you have any knowledge, now that you are in spirit form again, whether our
police contact will be able to see and communicate with you, or will you expect me to be your go-between with
this contact person throughout the investigative process?”
“As you obviously know, Dacque, I am rather new to the spirit world on this go-around, but I do have
the priceless benefit of my soul memory from all of my past experiences in your world as well as here in the
spirit world. Apparently the level of soul development of each human’s soul determines their abilities to
communicate with us on this side. I am probably not telling you anything that you are not already aware of as I
knew from our conversations, while in body, that your soul was developed sufficiently to be able to see and talk
to us. So, to answer your question, the soul development of our contact will be the primary determinant as to
whether this individual will be able to communicate with me directly, or whether we will require you to be our
translator or go-between.”
“I understand completely,” Dacque assured Rolland’s spirit. “Is there anything else that I should be
aware of at this time?”
“I don’t think so, but I am still slowly getting used to existing in spirit form again, and I am not certain if
I have reacquired my entire spiritual abilities earned through previous experiences. I know my soul memory
seems to be complete, but my soul reasoning may be a little out of practice. I’ll keep in touch,” the spirit of
Rolland Jones, replied, and then disappeared.


  1. Thank you Sara for featuring me and Soul Mind, Book III of the Dacque Chronicles. I am honored to be your first featured author.


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