Saturday, July 11, 2015

WeWriWa - Missi Wanderin' in the Woods - July 12, 2015

Last week, we finally found out what Charlie did to get thrown out of the Army shrink's office with an MP escort. He told the truth. Many of you commented and stated that you weren't sure how you would have reacted to news that your husband told the shrink he was dreaming of throwing her out the window . . . let's see what happens next. 

Cupping my hands around my mouth and nose, I closed my eyes. I didn’t have time to draw a breath before he continued.

“Her eyes got real wide. Real, like, deathly wide. Then she went all white and picked up the phone.” Charlie gave a little laugh, breaking the solemnity that had filled the car. “Then the MP’s came. Thought they were gonna arrest me, and I said for what, telling the truth?”

To get back and sample more from other delectable Weekend Writing Warriors, click here

My debut novel, A Heart on Hold, is on sale for just .99 this week! Get yours here! See where we are falling in love with Charlotte and Sanderson eight sentences at a time on my Everlasting Heart blog here

Keep up to date with my upcoming releases at my website


  1. A lesson to be learned. . .always tell the truth, sometimes. There's a lot of humor in this snippet.

    1. Thank you for catching that underlying layer of humor, Charmaine. This story really has so much of it scattered about, but you just have to peel back a few layers to find it <3 Happy Sunday, my friend.

  2. This must have all been so very hard to live through, glints of humor or not. I really admire the way you're presenting the events and I can't wait to be able to read ALL of it. You have a lot to say that other people can benefit from reading IMHO.

    1. Thank you, Veronica! I hope my words do help someone, somehow, when they're published :-) I look forward to doing the final touches once the kids go back to school <3

  3. Wow...just wow. Every time I finish reading one of your excerpts, I want to give you a hug.

    1. Awww, Teresa, that made me tear up!! <3 I can't wait until this story is fully told even though, in a sense, it is still unfolding since we still fight the PTSD monster from time to time.

  4. Just a glint of humor there, a little black though it may be. This is an incredible story!

  5. I think Charlie's wife is in trouble. It's still too close for nephew with PTSD just had his live-in girlfriend of several years leave him out of fear.

    1. Yes, the safest thing to do is always get out, to get away. My prayers to your family Ed <3

  6. It's heart-breaking, but for their own happiness (and peace of mind), the MPs should have taken him in. The truth spoken, often suggests a darker truth unspoken.


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