Saturday, March 28, 2015

WeWriWa - 3/29/15 - Missi Wanderin' in the Woods

Welcome back for this week's eight sentence snippet from my forthcoming memoir, Missi Wanderin' in the Woods, where one woman's reliance on her eclectic wilderness background helps her navigate some of life's most unexpected curves from a war-torn marriage to children to an extreme cancer diagnosis. 


My breath caught in my throat. In all the wisdom of the Army, they’d hired a Muslim woman to treat combat soldiers who were having problems adjusting after returning from fighting Muslims?

“You,” she gesticulated at me roughly. “You wait in downstairs waiting room.”

Charlie’s knee was bouncing and his knuckles had gone white from gripping the sides of the metal chair. Ever nervous, any noise made him jump and a thin sheen of sweat veiled his forehead. “No, you don’t understand, she has to stay with me.”

She stared at us through sour, empty eyes and growled, “She wait outside. I call her in later.”


Thanks for stopping by! Check out other great authors at the WeWriWa blog :-)


In need of affordable editing services for your manuscript? 
Trust an author who has been there!  
Sara Barnard's own Silver Line Editorial Service is now accepting manuscripts for editing.
 Check out their rates on the Silver Line page on this blog! 

Custom cookies for custom taste buds? What a novel idea!


  1. Awesome snippet. Makes me mad all over again!

    1. Me too! I keep saying, this has been THE MOST difficult book I have ever written. Ever. When I work on the really REALLY difficult scenes, it puts me in a bad mood. But in the end, it will be worth it to have it all done!!

  2. She doesn't sound like a pleasant person. Congrats on the new editing services!

    1. Thanks Jess! You're right, she wasn't very pleasant at all, she was very angry it seemed. Thanks for stopping by today!

  3. That is just crazy!! Wow... Gripping 8, Sara!

    1. Thanks Teresa! Thanks stopping by today :-) Crazy is the one word that accurately sums up our time spent as an Army family LOL

  4. Powerful snippet, love your description of her eyes!

    1. Thank you, Gemma! So glad you stopped by today <3

  5. You got me right in the heart, Sara. Scary eight. Get it off your chest and move on, my friend.

    1. Thank you, Charmaine. As scary and hurtful as this has been to write, I hope it will prove to be healing, in a way<3 Thank you for stopping by and for your sweet compliment <3

  6. Nice description of her eyes. Muslims apparently are great in the medical field.

    1. Frank you are so right. Our medical field out here in west Texas is dominated by persons of Middle Eastern descent, just as it was in the Army. It made it tough on my husband when he needed to seek help upon his return even though the people treating him certainly meant no harm. As I like to say, sarcastically of course, "The gifts of Afghanistan just keep on giving."

  7. Very interesting concept! She's really got her work cut out for her.

    1. You got that right, Carrie-Anne! Thanks for stopping by!!

  8. Not too impressed by her therapist skills, trying to throw the wife out without even discussing anything first. Intriguing excerpt...


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