Saturday, June 21, 2014

The Saga of Indian Em'ly : The Apache and the Pale Face Soldiers (Book 1)

New release alert! My debut middle grade reader, book 1 of 4, titled The Saga of Indian Em'ly: The Apache and the Pale Face Soldiers has been released from Painted Pony Books.

More great news, it went bestseller just today! Yay! What a wonderful way to commemorate the historical significance of the real Indian Em'ly . . . the "squaw killed by mistake" outside Fort Davis, Texas in the late 1800's.

Here is the back matter: 

Wind That Knocks Down Lodges loves his Apache mother Shining Waters, his grandfather Chief Strawberry Moon, his baby sister Cactus Flower and the wildness of the desert canyonland they call home. He has even developed a rough-hewn trust for Cactus Flower’s father, the pale face soldier from the fort that their mother loves. In one night of gross misunderstanding and novice mistakes, Knocks Down and Cactus Flower’s innocent young world is broken and shaken before they find themselves locked in the soldier fort with the pale faces and their mother’s lifeless body. With no one to lean on but each other and the fragile balance between the Apache and the soldiers irreparably upset, Knocks Down and Cactus Flower must make their way as children of The People in the pale face world – pale faces who have now become the enemy.

Only .99 cents in kindle format!  Grab yours today! And stay tuned for The Saga of Indian Em'ly: On the Colorado Trail (book 2) coming in September 2014!